Purchase any number of classes & use the credits for the yoga you want! Contact me to let me know which classes you would like to attend.
Whether you are buying 2 or 20, you may use the credits for the Yoga Rising classes you want! My class schedule comes to your inbox weekly, then you let me know which classes you want to attend. If it's a remote class I will email you remote links just before class and keep track of your credits. If it's in person I will see you at the class. Balances are always available upon request!
Credits are good for six months from date of purchase. Please contact me for details.
Yes, please contact me for details.
Absolutely! Just let me know who is the fortunate recipient and I will make a note of it.
Generally, yes. If you were both coming to an in-person class, then you would each purchase a class; the remote classes run the same way. If you have financial need or other circumstances, please contact me.
Virtual Classes
Sundays 9-9:45 AM
Yoga for Athletes-on Zoom
Tuesdays 6:00 - 6:45 PM
Balance & Flow
In Person Classes
*Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Life-Long Yoga -in Person @ LSNC
*option to attend virtually
YMCA Classes
Thursdays 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Yoga for Athletes in person at the Y